---determining with your ancestors what blessings are needed by you for the coming year and what blessings you're being asked to give to the Earth and all relations. Working with spiritual power, filters and blindspots. Bringing grace to the shamanic ego. Creating a prayer for the new year. Grounding what you’ve learned back into families/communities and the Earth
This session will be centered mostly around the coming Winter Solstice. On our first day of these three you will be connecting in group journeys with your benevolent ancestors, including at least one ancestral shaman. With their help you will determine what blessings are most needed and desired by you for the coming year and what blessings you will be asked to offer to your loved ones, to the animals, to all of Mother Earth, and to the spirit realm as a whole. Creating your prayer for the new year. Included will be learning how to work well with spiritual power in light of personal filters and blind spots.
---sharing prayers for Mother Earth through artistic expression. Winter Solstice Ancestral Healer Initiation ceremony with friends/family followed by celebration. Night conclusion of seeding dreams into the Earth and being led in the ways of gratitude by Chris Reynolds
The second day of this gathering will focus around a winter solstice initiation ceremony. Early in the day we will share our prayers for Mother Earth in a personal form of expression; movement, song, words, writing, art, etc.. The second half of the day will be our ceremony. During this ceremony you will be initiated as an ancestral healer as you greet your benevolent ancestors, receive their blessings, and rejoice. After this initiation ceremony we will have a beautiful Winter Solstice celebration. You will be given the opportunity to invite a to-be-determined number people you would like to have come and witness your ceremony and celebrate with you. Being witnessed in this and integrating your own healing and expanded awareness and skills back into your circle of loved ones is a primary purpose of this training We will all sing together, dance, tell stories, have music, share food and drink. To conclude the evening, we will, weather permitting, gather outside around a fire, seeding our dreams for the coming year as well as the blessings we received from the Ancestors into the earth for the benefit of all our relations. Chris Reynolds will lead us in the ways of gratitude for our ancestral blessings and all our spirit help.
---World work; what it is, how to do it well, tracking consequences, and why it's so greatly needed.
On the last day of this gathering, which will also be the final day of this ancestral healing training we will begin to look at the concept of shamanic World Work. You will learn what this is, why it is needed, how to recognize where it is needed, and how to determine just what a particular space or being needs. You will learn as well how to determine your most personally appropriate response to these needs; who your allies are, what your obstacles might be, and what the parameters of your work must be in order to be truly effective.
World work is one of the most fulfilling and beautiful acts of service we can give. It changes both the spirit and the physical realm so that all of us —the living and the dead, animals, the land, and all the earth beings— have the greatest chance to heal and for all of us to come into creative harmony and right relationship and lay the ground in a good way for those to come.
---Ending the training; a rite designed together by all members of the class in collaboration with the spirits.
We will end the last day of this training through a rite designed collectively by the class with the guidance of the helping spirits.